Release Form for Online Auction Purchases

Please complete the form below to have your item released to a 3rd party shipper OR another authorized party who will be picking up on your behalf. Once the form is completed, your chosen shipper will pickup your items directly from us. Please be sure to reach out to your chosen shipper to confirm the release of your items.
(East-Wing cannot release any items to shippers OR your authorized agent without having this form completed first)

Our Preferred Shippers:

The UPS Store #5977 Prospect CT
(203) 758-7707
(Email for MUCH faster Response, be sure to include dimensions of lot an zip code for delivery)

We Pack & Ship
(860) 803-3935


Local Deliveries for Large & Small Items:

Movin Onn LLC
Text or Call: (860) 294-9989
- Delivery - Assembly - Room Staging - Rearranging -
Servicing Most Areas within 3-5 hours drive from CT

(For any larger purchases & furnishings at a further distance we recommend using for shipping quotes and services)


  • February 15th Estate Auction Shipping Request Deadline: Saturday, Feb 22nd at 3:00pm EST

Our third-party shippers pick up from our gallery on Wednesdays. To have your items included in that week’s shipment, you must submit your shipping release form by 3 PM EST on Tuesday. Forms received after this deadline will delay pickup until the following Wednesday.

All shipping requests must be submitted via the form below before 3 PM EST the date & time listed above. If we do not receive a completed release form by the deadline above, any remaining items will be subject to storage fees. For on-site auctions, items not properly released will be considered abandoned and either disposed of or left at the estate. No refunds, credits, or claims will be issued for items not released before the deadline.

Shipping Authorization / Release Form:


 There is a downloadable version of the form below should you prefer to fill it out manually.

Email the completed form back to: